Thursday, 12 December 2019

Evaluation of the intervention in terms of the causal chain I theorised

The Intervention:
The collaborative process for development and creation of 30 second to 1 minute movie clips.

The causal chain:

The Data

1. Pre-implementation Data for Intervention Group:

2. Post-implementation Data for Intervention Group:

3. Post-implementation Data for Comparison Group:

4. Quotes from cybersmart clips showing interpersonal skills and/or critical thinking:


"Your password must be atleast 8 characters long. Why is that you may be wondering? Because it will be trickier and longer so it will be harder to guess."


"Being cybersmart looks like helping the person that's beside you but you can help the people from a different country and if people want help you can help them."

"...but that doesn't mean that you can't disagree."

"...looking out for people and helping them if they are stuck on something on the internet."


"Is that what you really meant?!"
"...I didn't mean it to sound that way. Now that I think about it, can you guys help me?"

"When you write something like a blog comment, you want it to make sense and come across to the reader as you mean it to."

"Think about what you have written and how it will make the other person feel."

"Write appropriate and sensible words."

"Looking at your writing before you publish your post because you might hurt other people's feelings without meaning to."


5. Other data:

This graph shows the level of interpersonal skills and critical thinking found in the collaborative plans, cybersmart clips and blog comments. This data was collected from student work throughout the year.

A graph of individual student levels of critical thinking across collaborative plans, cybersmart clips and blog comments.

This graph shows the relationship between reading level and Interpersonal skills/ Critical thinking. There is a positive correlation between reading level and level of interpersonal skills/ critical thinking.

This graph shows the relationship between writing level and Interpersonal skills/ Critical thinking. There is a positive correlation between writing level and level of interpersonal skills/ critical thinking.

Summary of the evidence about key changes in teaching and other factors that influence student learning.

This year, I entirely changed the way I approached and thought about cybersmart learning in the classroom. Prior to this year, my cybersmart teaching approach and beliefs were very superficial, with a focus on 'right and wrong' rather than teaching skills which would allow the children to make smart decisions online. Learning activities tended to stem from the Manaiakalani Cybersmart Curriculum which I feel were highly beneficial for the children to learn certain skills.

Examples of what my previous cybersmart teaching looked like can be seen on the 2018 Team 4 Site. Teaching notes for my class from the year can be accessed at the bottom of the page.

Here is a comparison of the cybersmart topics covered between 2018 and 2019:

NB: The grey areas did not get covered, however with working through these 10 interpersonal skill/critical thinking topics from the beginning of the year, I believe it would be possible to cover all the areas on the right of this table.

I feel that going forward, a mix of what I was previously doing (before 2019) and what I am now doing would provide the best benefit for the children. Also, a stronger focus on critical thinking and interpersonal skills across the curriculum would also be extremely beneficial.

Summary of evidence about key shifts in the problem of student learning.

When you look at the quotes above which were made by year 5 children in the cybersmart clips, there is definitely evidence of interpersonal skills and critical thinking being present. However, when the data was analysed in terms of blog comments, there did not appear to be a strong improvement in level of critical thinking. In fact, most of the data showed that children were unable to show the same level of critical thinking that they demonstrated in their collaborative planning and cybersmart clips in their blog comments. Graphs comparing reading and writing level and level of interpersonal skills and critical thinking showed a trend that those who were stronger readers or writers also tended to be stronger at using interpersonal skills and critical thinking. This is where my reflection that a focus on interpersonal skills and critical thinking across the curriculum was necessary.

In the graph called Collaborative plan, Movie and blog comments, the pattern of the level of interpersonal skills/ critical thinking in blog comments (yellow) is totally opposite to the pattern shown of the level of interpersonal skills/ critical thinking in the collaborative plan (blue). A more positive trend was evident for the collaborative plans than for the blog comments. This shows that although the collaborative plan was a good support for students showing critical thinking and interpersonal skills, the skills learned did not appear to translate to a more applied setting (that is, blog commenting).

What does this mean for student learning?

- Focus on interpersonal skills/ critical thinking across the curriculum (a common language?)
- Focus more on developing blog comments which demonstrate stronger interpersonal skills and levels of critical thinking - give the children more practice at this.

Overall evaluation of the intervention in terms of the causal chain I had theorised:
- To what extent was the intervention successful in changing factors such as teaching?
- To what extent were those changes in teaching effective in changing patterns of student learning?

The blue elements of this causal chain diagram, suggesting a connection between interpersonal skills and critical thinking, were consistently reinforced throughout the year.

The pink elements of the causal chain: I taught deeper interpersonal skills and critical thinking whilst connecting with others online.

The red elements of the causal chain: I did not get to this separate part of the causal chain. This could be a focus going into next year.

My teaching of cybersmart skills changed considerably this year. My focus was on much deeper skills (based around the key competencies) which could be used both in and out of the digital world. Going into the future, I feel that I need to continue with this focus however with continuing some of the more superficial skills required when working in a digital environment.

I feel that the intervention was successful in terms of changing student engagement in learning interpersonal skills and critical thinking in a digital context. Children made attempts to use the new skills learned when communicating with others online. For example, when commenting on someone's blog, some children made a conscious effort to make a connection back to the blog post and add supporting detail. However, more regular blog commenting will be necessary to see any progress.

Reflection on my own professional learning through this inquiry cycle.

Throughout this inquiry, I have made a connection between the research and literature, my teaching and the children's learning. I believe that the reason the data (above) did not show an obvious shift in use of interpersonal skills and critical thinking included the factor of time. I did not get the intervention into full swing until about term 2. With this, a large focus was on learning the routine of planning and then creating (and completing) our movies. A regular focus on blog commenting was still missing. From next year, I aim to begin a more regular programme from the beginning of the year.

Friday, 29 November 2019

End of year findings: comparing findings of the end of year cybersmart survey across classes

The data in these slides compares to different classes - one who had an intervention of creating cybersmart clips in class and with a focus on interpersonal skills and critical thinking online; the other who did not have the intervention.

Monday, 25 November 2019

MIT19: Final Summary and Impact Story

Today is our final day at KPMG as the MIT19 group. We have had a fantastic year with many opportunities to collaborate together and be challenged outside of our comfort zones within a strong support network.

Our year has consisted of:
- A beginning of year hui where we began the design thinking process and were challenged to think outside of the box.
- 4 days at KPMG in Auckland City (1 day per term). These days were fantastic opportunities to work together, challenge each other's thinking and learn from each other.
- Attending and presenting at the 2019 EdTech Summit in Sydney. This was an amazing opportunity to share our knowledge and teach others about an area of digital teaching of our choice in an international context.
- Presenting our inquiry and tool to Principals and Leaders from across New Zealand at the annual Manaiakalani Outreach Principals and Leaders Wananga.
- Meeting and working with an amazing group of teachers from around New Zealand.

MIT19 Teachers and their Blogs:

Sandra Quick
Joanne Ryken
Amber Wing
Eugene Becconsall
Kelsey Parrant
Marc Gibson
Naomi Toland
Nicola Cameron
Santi Vega

Thank you to this amazing group of teachers who I have shared this journey with throughout the year! Thank you to the Manaiakalani Education Trust for allowing it to happen, particularly to Jenny Oxley, Dorothy Burt, Anne Sinclair, Pat Sneddon, Gerhard Vermeulen, Dave Winter and to Pt England School and principal Russell Burt.

Below is a screencast of my presentation from the Manaiakalani Outreach Principals and Leaders Wananga, along with some additions from the recent presentation for my role as a within-school teacher.

As I mention in the screencast, the final data did not show what I was hoping however, I believe that expecting miraculous shift and results after a year which has included the researching, creating AND implementing of the tool would not be realistic. Therefore, I am happy with what I have created and what it means for my thinking, mindset and forward direction to support children in becoming critical thinkers who are competent, confident and responsible in an online environment.

Wednesday, 20 November 2019

End of year findings: comparing findings from the pre and post cybersmart survey

In this presentation you will see a comparison of graphs between the pre and post cybersmart survey data which I collected.

Things to note:
- More children responded at the end of the year than at the beginning of the year.
- These findings were not based on standardised tests but rather analysis of data collected from in-class cybersmart learning.

Wednesday, 30 October 2019

Manaiakalani and Outreach Principals Wananga 2019: MIT19 Presentation

Last week I presented at the 2019 Manaiakalani and Outreach Principals Wananga as part of the Manaiakalani Innovative Teachers 2019 programme. We presented our inquiries as a Pecha Kucha (20 slides, 20 seconds per slide). Here is my presentation along with a transcript of my speech:

Slide 1: In this moment, think about the digital technologies you use which allow you to connect with others. Think beyond this room to the digital technologies our children are using in school while we are sitting here today which allow them to connect with others beyond the classroom. Connecting is interpersonal. It requires critical thinking. Can we do more to provide our children with these necessary skills?

Slide 2: We live in a digital world which is much more connected than ever before. There is therefore a need for teaching children the skills to be able to relate to others and be critical thinkers in what is a highly interpersonal digital environment. Through this, we teach through the key competencies and teach life-long skills which can be applied throughout what is and will continue to be an innovative and quick-changing environment.

Slide 3: The challenge I faced was that children living in a digital world, where key competencies are essential, require ubiquitous access to scaffolds and resources which are not currently available. Our children are using digital tools to enhance their learning. Therefore it’s important that we teach the critical thinking and problem solving essential for people to be able to make smart decisions when online.

Slide 4: We have cybersmart resources as part of the Manaiakalani Cybersmart Curriculum however two questions I asked myself were: 
How can we continue to develop the incorporation of the Manaiakalani values into cybersmart learning?
How can we get the children really excited about learning, creating and sharing in cybersmart learning?

Slide 5: Some things stood out for me when exploring cybersmart resources which are being used and shared in our schools:
1. Classes with learning sites mostly had visible cybersmart resources available directly on their site OR had a place on the site ready to be populated with these resources.
2. Most of the cybersmart resources which I have seen being used are teacher-led resources/tasks.
3. We have the teacher-led tasks and student-created DLOs/ more student-centred, ubiquitous and eye-capturing resources would be useful to engage our children in cybersmart learning.

Slide 6: This venn diagram from netsafe New Zealand shows the many aspects of ‘Digital Citizenship.’ You can see that Cybersafety (as they call it) is only one section of digital citizenship. Manaiakalani’s use of the word ‘cybersmart’ already emphasises that we want our children to be thoughtful when online. I like to think that Cybersmart content is actually the cybersafety and NZ Curriculum Values and Key Competencies sections of this diagram combined.

Slide 7: In fact, when we look into the NZ curriculum, these are the sorts of words that are used to describe children learning in New Zealand. These definitely describe what we would like our children to be able to do and be when learning and working in a digital environment.

Slide 8: I began the inquiry process by wanting to create a number of resources such as posters and flow diagrams to support the children, like the well known and highly useful quality blog comments poster. However, with much research and data collection, I realised that there was a need that went deeper….

Slide 9: What the children were missing was the ability to think critically online and the connection of this to interpersonal skills. This was evident through blog comments written by the children in my class which were often positive, however not always helpful, thoughtful and connected to the content they had read.

Slide 10: These preliminary findings really drew my attention to the importance of teaching children critical thinking, interpersonal skills and the connection between them. And the research backed this up! I started getting the children creating short movies to share their learning and knowledge around creating strong passwords. The children were mostly engaged. They enjoyed the competitive element which came with working in groups and creating short movie clips.

Slide 11: I then narrowed down the research to 10 areas which would teach the connection between critical thinking and interpersonal skills. The children began creating 30 second to 1 minute cybersmart clips.

Slide 12: For each cybersmart topic, the learning sequence begins with a whole class brainstorm. At this point, I also explicitly teach them important aspects to think about. After this, the children break up into small groups where they begin to collaboratively plan a script for a movie clip. They then film and edit their 30 second to 1 minute movie before sharing it on their blogs. The biggest challenge that arose was that some children had difficulty with the collaborative planning. However this observation really reinforced that this change in teaching and learning was exactly what was needed to support children in development of key competencies.

Slide 13: Much learning comes from this tool for children of all levels and abilities. It supports development of all the key competencies, critical thinking and ability to collaborate with others. It encourages creativity and gets the children excited about being cybersmart! Finally, it develops skills which are important everywhere, not just online.

Slide 14: The cybersmart clips that the children create could be shared through school news, other classes and across schools. The children are learning through concepts such as Tuakana Teina and Ako, where the children are teaching and supporting each other in their learning - they become the teachers.

Slide 15/16: You can see from these cybersmart clips that the children are happy, confident learners! These are all examples of children who worked through the process from the initial brainstorm, through to working as a group to edit and share their cybersmart clips on their blogs. As a result, they have developed their key competencies while learning to be critical thinkers and while using interpersonal skills (both in personal and in a digital environment). They have learned movie making and editing skills and have created some great resources which could be used to teach and support other children. 

Slide 17: And the children’s responses back this up too! The children have told me that they enjoy working together and choosing their own groups. They have told me that they enjoy filming and making their movies and that they like putting the movies on their blog to share with the whole world. There is not a lot that they told me they wanted to do differently. One child responded by telling me that they wanted to continue making the movies but with more props to support their creations.

Slide 18: it making a difference and meeting the original challenge?
If you compare the blue and red lines, there could be a possible correlation between the ability to collaboratively plan and create cybersmart clips which include both critical thinking (CT) and interpersonal skills (IS). 
Those low in IS/CT in the collaborative planning stage are often also low in IS/CT in the cybersmart clips and blog commenting.

Slide 19: Another interesting potential correlation is that between reading and or writing level and ability to write a comment which includes critical thinking and interpersonal skills. In these graphs, each of the dots represents a child.

Slide 20: So what next for this inquiry?
Based on these findings, it is going to be important to focus in on the children who have difficulty collaboratively planning so that I can support them to develop their ability to relate to others and manage themselves so they can then develop their critical thinking skills in an interpersonal environment. I need to begin looking into the connection between reading and writing level and the ability for children to be critical thinkers in an interpersonal environment 

Wednesday, 23 October 2019

3. EXPLAIN: Reflections & Tweaks and reasons for them

Explain the reflections and tweaks you have made along the way and the reasons why you made these changes. Share your evidence for these decisions.

Through the initial data collection (cybersmart quiz) and research, I found the need for children to be taught interpersonal skills, critical thinking, and the connection between them, in a digital environment. These skills needed to be measurable through the data which I collected throughout the year.

1. What did not work and why?

I found that there was difficulty creating the movies in class due to background noise.

What did I do differently?
As a result, I have supported children more by utilising times when other children in our shared space are out of class and when I am on release. I have also ensured that during filming, the children are utilising external microphones rather than just the internal microphone on the camera/iPad.

2. What did not work and why?

Some groups are having trouble with the process of collaborative planning. There is a real difference in the ability of different groups to successfully plan as a group. This shows a need to focus on the key competencies of managing self, relating to others and participating and contributing. Through observation, I have noted that this inability/difficulty to plan by some groups appears to correlate with an inability/difficulty to be able to explain their understanding and demonstrate strong interpersonal skills and critical thinking when online. I created rubrics to measure the interpersonal skills and  levels of critical thinking when collaboratively planning, in their cybersmart clips and then finally when writing a blog comment. Here are the rubrics I used:

The data found can be seen in the graph below:

I also found an interesting correlation between the children's reading and writing levels and their ability to think critically and use interpersonal skills. You can see in the graphs below that those children with higher reading levels tend to be more able to write a blog comment with a high level of interpersonal skill and critical thinking AND those children with higher writing levels tend to be more able to write a blog comment with a high level of interpersonal skill and critical thinking.

What have I been doing differently?
We create a whole class brainstorm before we move off into our groups so all the children are scaffolded and explicitly taught about the topic. That way, all children have some ideas to get them started. It is really important to ensure children have been grouped in a way that ensures their group mates can support each other. I will continue to reorganise groups to ensure all children get the most out of the learning experiences.

3. What did not work and why?

It has been a challenge to get a completed cybersmart clip per group for each topic we look at. The process of completing the cybersmart clips includes a class brainstorm, group planning, rehearsing, filming, editing and then sharing of the movie on blogs. This has the potential of being a long process, particularly when children are out of class for a variety of reasons. 

What have I been doing differently?
I have been having to be give the children much longer for cybersmart learning per week than I would previously have given. Once this process gets to the editing stage, the learning moves from cybersmart learning to the technical process of completing the movie so it can be shared. I am confident that this process will become quicker as the children become more used to it.

Wednesday, 16 October 2019

Digital Citizenship Week

This week is digital citizenship week. With this, I have been directed towards several links which are getting people thinking about being cybersmart online.

1. Commonsense Media: Digital Citizenship Week

Is this resource focused on the positive behaviour? Mostly!

Is the link between interpersonal skills and critical thinking touched on? YES!! In fact, 'critical' is the third word in the article!

2. Commonsense Media: Kahoot

This could be a fantastic fun activity to reinforce the cybersmart learning we are doing in class however these public kahoots are more directed at teenagers.

3. NZ Cybersmart Week

This resource reinforces reasons why we are teaching children to be cybersmart from a young age. It is applicable and necessary in the wider world so it is really important the children understand it's importance.

Thursday, 26 September 2019

2. DESCRIBE: Evidence about the effects of my changed practice and intervention on desired learner outcomes.

Link to overview blogpost​

The Tool: Cybersmart Clips

Describe the evidence you have so far about the effects of your changed practices/intervention on desired learner outcomes and how you summarised and recorded these.

What methods have you used to collect information?​

- Start of Year/ End of Year Cybersmart Assessment

(as seen in previous blog post)

- Student collaborative planning/brainstorming docs

(See example on previous blog post)

- Student movie clips

- Student voice

In the last blog post, you will see some word walls which show responses from two other questions asked.

- Regular collection of blog comments/ replies to blog comments

I am currently analysing blog comments by comparing blog comments at the beginning of the year to blog comments now. This qualitative data is difficult to analyse and I am having to think of the best way to measure progress. I am wanting to measure progress in interpersonal skills and critical thinking in blog posts. On an initial look, it is clear that many children are writing more detailed and thoughtful blog comments compared to at the beginning of the year.

How have you been systematic in that collection?​

Each week, I have been collecting and updating data in a spreadsheet which is organised in the above categories. I am working on collating this data into graphs and noticing trends and patterns mainly around interpersonal skills and critical thinking.

What does the data/information tell you?​

Through the process of making movies in learning cybersmart skills and collection of data, I have realised that the creation of the movies and collaborative script-making is just as important as the sharing of the movies to a wider audience. This is where this method of teaching children to be cybersmart is effective in integrating the teaching of the key competencies at the same time. In particular, children are developing their ability to think (about the cybersmart topic given to them), relate to others (through the creation of the script in preparation for movie-making), managing self (to work through the process of creating a movie, from storyboarding to sharing of the movie) and participating and contributing (in creating the script but also in being confident to present/act in the movie or to direct and be responsible for the filming). Overarching the development of these key competencies (NZ Curriculum) is the final key competency of understanding symbols, languages and texts. This overarches the others in this process as the children are learning skills in being able to make sense of the online world and respond responsibly and appropriately.

Data from student voice tells me really clearly that the children are really enjoying using movie-making as the medium to learn how to be cybersmart. I showed this in an answer garden. A higher frequency of the same response is represented by a larger word.


I have also been collecting comments that children in my class are writing on other children's blogs. A continuing step in my inquiry is to collate these in a way that will show any development in the quality of the blog comments over time.

I also need to begin collating and making sense of the data which shows development of interpersonal skills and critical thinking through the children's collaborative scripts and movie clips.

What are you going to do with the data/information in terms of ‘tweaking’ your intervention?​

Currently, I am really satisfied with how the intervention/ tool is working. On the whole, the children are engaged, they are learning valuable skills in film making, being given opportunities to develop their critical thinking and interpersonal skills, and being able to share their learning with the wider world through the school news and their public blogs! How cool is that!?

As with anything in teaching though, there is always 'tweaking' that can be done to make it better! At the moment, my focus needs to be on continuing doing what we are doing and now beginning to make sense of what the data shows.

So...what am I going to do with the data to make sense of it?

- I have already analysed the start-of-year cybersmart assessment data (see blog post). This will be followed up later in the year (early in term 4) by children completing the same cybersmart assessment and seeing how the data changed over time.

- Student collaborative brainstorms/planning docs: I need to analyse these for evidence of interpersonal skills and critical thinking. As a result of a range of research (seen in previous blog posts) I plan to make a tally of the following when reading through the docs and watching the cybersmart clips:

  • Collaborative plannning (all team members given a role and contributing to ideas; efficient planning in group)
  • Communication between group members to produce a coherent and connected script (i.e. not different ideas per child but rather, a script that flows from one child to the next)
  • Creativity (have they thought outside the box or just used class brainstorm ideas and copied it?)
  • Critical thinking (thought deeply about how to portray the message in an effective way)
  • Positive role play
  • Perspective taking (each 'character' shares their own ideas)
  • Empathy/interpersonal skills (evident through role play - rather than just saying lines without connection to others in the group; thinking about how others feel and how actions can affect others)
  • Listening to each others ideas
  • Questions asked
  • Challenging each others ideas
  • Reflecting/ making changes
  • Summarising the main ideas

Thursday, 19 September 2019

Final week of term 3 - What's the plan going forward?

As we go into our final week of term 3, I wanted to reassess where I am at in my inquiry. 

What have I achieved so far?

  • A lot of research into what it looks like to be cybersmart.
  • Narrowing all of the research down into a focus on the connection between interpersonal skills and critical thinking.
  • Planing for a tool which can be implemented into the classroom.
  • Creating a website on which the cybersmart clips created by the children can be shared.
  • Altering my pedagogy when it comes to teaching year 5 children to be cybersmart.
  • Supporting children in the filming, editing and sharing of their cybersmart clips.
  • Collecting and documenting the data in a spreadsheet. 

What do I want to achieve in this final week of term 3?

  • Sharing of "The words we use" Cybersmart Clips (that have been filmed)
  • Time for children to comment on blog posts (to add to the data collection)
  • Work with those children who have not yet completed any cybersmart clips.

What is there still to do in term 4? What are my ongoing challenges?

This term, my focus has very much been on altering my pedagogy and implementing the cybersmart movie clips tasks. In general, the children are loving learning how to be cybersmart in this way! This is a real positive. I have had to change the groups slightly to ensure when learning groups are out, others are not disadvantaged in their learning. The children have dealt with this really well.

A challenge I have is that there are a group of children who are having difficulty with the collaborative planning stage of the process, which is causing a challenge with getting their movies filmed, let alone edited. I really need to work with these children to ensure they have success in their learning and to ensure they are learning the important skills when it comes to being cybersmart and making thoughtful decisions online. These children need to become my priority learners for next term.

I will begin term 4 by introducing a new cybersmart topic: Reflecting on our own or others work and giving and receiving feedback.

Thursday, 29 August 2019

1. SHARE: Evidence about what I have done differently

Link to overview blogpost

Share data that you have collected/ recorded about the implementation of your changed practices or intervention. What evidence do you have about what you did differently?

As a result of a lot of research, some data collection demonstrating the children's knowledge at the beginning of the year, and several years of observing and pondering, I have implemented a new way of teaching how to be cybersmart into my classroom. Basically, this change in practice/student learning includes a shared class brainstorm of a topic and then time for the children to collaboratively plan a 30sec-1min movie before filming and editing their movie to share their learning.

Data collection began in term 1 where I had the children in my class complete a cybersmart assessment to decipher their current knowledge and skills. This was followed by a lot of research. The combination of these two things clearly showed a need for the children to be taught interpersonal skills and critical thinking in a digital/ online environment. It also showed a clear connection between these two skills.

Since implementation of the intervention/tool/ change in practice began, I have been collecting a range of data which includes blog comments, collaborative planning, movie clips, student voice, and examples of when situations may not have gone as smoothly as expected online. These assessments have been ongoing throughout the year. Information collected in google forms (blog comments in particular) as well as movies (shared in blog posts) are time-dated.

Blog comments

These are documented in a spreadsheet so I can track blog posts of individual students.

Collaborative planning

Whole class plans:

Here is an example of a collaborative planning script which suggests deep connections being made by those in the group as well as successful collaboration:

     The Words we Use…

                S.F.A: Welcome to S.F.A news.
A: Broadcasting to you live!
S: In this production we are telling you about…
S.F.A: The words we us
F: Meaning everyday life online.
S.F.A: Here's a short clip of some of the words we use.
F: How you say it is how you mean it.When do you use it?In your everyday life.
S: Why is it important?Well because it creates your reputation and your furture.Heres the words you should use. *F's comment does not sound right*Movie script: Then S and A come in and say* *Then F is about to press publish*

S and A: Whoa whoa whoa whoa stop right there. Is that what you really meant F? 

F: Yeah
S and A: Try read it doesn’t sound as thoughtful as it could be...
*F reads comment* 
A: you realise you didn’t finish your last slide?
F: I didn’t mean it sound that way….
Now that I think about it.Could you guys help me?
*S and A help F* 
F: Thank you for helping me.

   *S and A correct her*

S & A: You're welcome F.
S.F.A: Did you enjoy this episode of S.F.A news?
S.F.A:Well we hope you did

S.F.A: Sayonara and goodbye.

Movie clips

Student voice - What do you like about cybersmart learning?

Student voice - What would you like to do differently?

I have had to make changes and tweaks throughout the year. The current intervention/teaching practice is very different to what I first envisaged. I set out at the start of the year to create a set of child-friendly posters to instruct for a range of situations which may be faced online however, moved away from this when data, research and various conversations did not see this as the biggest need. You may notice that the first movies which were created (Passwords) were difficult to hear. These first movies were created much more independently by the children, without editing, however there were a lot of frustrations. In particular, the sound caused a lot of frustration for the children as they were not using microphones. We have now adapted this so the children use a microphone attached to the camera. We also use the camera on a tripod rather than the iPads now as this creates a more stable picture. Now the children are able to share their knowledge confidently and clearly through their cybersmart clips. I have also been providing them with a lot more support in the filming. I tell the children that I am their cameraman but they are the director so they are in charge. They enjoy the fact they can boss me around!

Thursday, 22 August 2019

Key reading practices at year 5 and 6 (according to the research and according to team 4)

In our CoL meeting earlier in the term, Russell asked us to consider what we believed were key reading practices which are needed at the various year levels which we all teach. We are thinking about how we can create a consistent language across reading in our different schools across the classes in our school and also across the schools in our CoL.

The Ministry of Education resource, Effective Literacy Practice for years 5-8, states that the strategies which are necessary include:

- Attending and searching
- Predicting
- Cross-checking
- Confirming/ self-correcting
- Re-predicting

The Ministry of Education resource, Effective Literacy Practice for years 1-4, states that the strategies which are necessary include the above, as well as:

- Connecting prior knowledge to the text
- Forming/testing hypotheses
- Asking questions
- Visualising
- Inferring
- Identifying purpose/ POV
- Identifying/summarising main ideas
- Analysing and synthesising
- Evaluating

I asked the team 4 teachers what they felt were essential strategies required at our year levels for reading and we decided on the following two strategies:

- Retelling a story/text in their own words.
- Development of vocabulary.

Interestingly, retelling (summarising) is a practice for years 1-4 however, we still see it as one of the essentials needed at year 5-6. Development of vocabulary doesn't actually appear as a strategy as such, however many of the other strategies require a developed vocabulary knowledge to be able to be used. 

I decided to take this away to find suggestions for how this could be taught consistently across classes. 

I looked through some of the Sheena Cameron books to see what she thought about this. Her reading activity handbook has a whole chapter dedicated to focusing on words. In her Teaching Reading Comprehension Strategies (a practical classroom guide) book (2009), Sheena Cameron discusses the following strategies for reading:

- Activating prior knowledge
- Self-monitoring
- Predicting
- Questioning
- Making connections
- Visualising
- Inferring
- Summarising
- Synthesising
- Skimming
- Scanning

As well as this, she also has a whole section of the text dedicated to building vocabulary knowledge, with suggestions for how this can be done.

Monday, 12 August 2019

KPMG Term 3

Today we had the opportunity to pitch our tool to our MIT colleagues. This was a great way of sharing our work so far this year. I felt confident with presenting my work and I had some really useful feedback and suggestions.

- We discussed the use of the word 'cybersmart.' We talked about how this word is a noun, not a verb. Therefore, we wouldn't talk about 'doing cybersmart' but instead 'learning about being cybersmart.'

- Dorothy suggested that I look at the latest Summer Learning Journey report which touches on the importance of interpersonal skills.

- It was also suggested that I use the word 'kind' rather than 'nice' when describing how we communicate online. Using explicit language which makes sense to the children is essential when teaching how to be cybersmart.

Thursday, 8 August 2019

Keeping a record of each assessment type used to monitor the effect of the changed practice/ intervention on learner outcome

Below is a template of the spreadsheet I will use to record the information I find to monitor the effects of the changed practice/ intervention on learner outcome. This spreadsheet will incorporate links to teacher practice, evidence of learning and student voice.

Thursday, 1 August 2019

Formal and Informal Monitoring - Is the changed practices/ intervention having an impact on learner outcome?

As discussed at our CoL meeting, it is going to be important to make judgements about children's progressions by undertaking formative assessment (both formal and informal) at set intervals.

I will do this by: 
- Keeping a log of reflections along the way (that is, teacher notes)
- Collecting student voice - through a google form and through their movies they have created.
- Student work samples - collaborative brainstorming/planning docs; 30 second - 1 minute movies
- Arbs?
- Writing samples - I will collect regular blog post samples or blog comment samples
- Regular blog commenting/replying on a chosen blog post/comment - see how these change over time - have the children become more critical/ connected in their responses?

Summative Assessment:
- Cybersmart assessment (same one taken in term 1)

Tuesday, 30 July 2019

Implementation of changed practices and intervention

As discussed in our CoL meeting, it is really important that we have it clear in our heads as to what we have changed or done as the TEACHER to support the learning challenge. I will collect information about the implementation of my changed practices and intervention in a number of ways.

1. Record of prior planning (see 2017/2018 cybersmart planning and experiences).
- 2017 team site + class planning
- 2018 team site + class planning

2. "Repeated measure" of teaching over time:
- Planning notes and reflections detailing my lessons/ the learning experiences planned for cybersmart since implementation of the changed practices and intervention.
- Evidence through: Teacher planning doc, children's collaborative brainstorming/ planning docs, movies created (recorded on this website).

Monday, 29 July 2019

Restating my theory of action

The valued learning outcomes I want to improve for my students in this inquiry are …. 

Development of interpersonal skills and critical thinking, which are required when learning in a digital environment.

The changes I am making to my teaching to improve these outcomes are …..

Changes to the way I teach cybersmart. Each new piece of cybersmart learning is followed up by the children working in groups to participate in a collaborative and creative movie-making challenge where they have to share their new learning in a short 30 second to 1 minute long movie. I am also including the google site, Interland and the Be Internet Awesome Curriculum as well as the Manaiakalani Cybersmart curriculum in my teaching of new concepts. Through my explicit teaching, the focus is on the connection between interpersonal skills and critical thinking which are necessary when working in a digital environment. The movies which the children make will then become a resource which can continue to be used by the class as well as other children in future cybersmart learning.
The reasons why I think these changes in my teaching will be effective for my learners are …..

Engagement. Already, altering my teaching to including the movie-making challenges has made the children in my class excited to participate in cybersmart learning.
Rewindable/visible learning. The children are the creators - they are creating movies which are reinforcing and enhancing their learning and in the process, they are becoming the teachers for future lessons. This follows the Tataiako competency of Ako (reciprocal teaching/learning).
Deep learning. To challenge these children to extend their cybersmart learning, they need to be given opportunities to think critically and deeply about content online. This will come from having opportunities to create quality blog comments (currently, they can create positive comments, however being helpful and thoughtful as well is more of a challenge) and by critiquing what they read or see online.

Thursday, 25 July 2019

Term 3: Where I am up to and where I will go next

Kāhui Ako Achievement Challenge 5: Improve the achievement of students with additional needs in the learning areas of English/ key competency using symbols, languages and texts.

My Inquiry Challenge (updated): Children living in a digital world, where interpersonal skills and critical thinking are essential, require ubiquitous access to cybersmart scaffolds and resources which are not currently available.

This term is going to be all about implementing my tool to support cybersmart learning. The website is up and running and ready for movies to be added in as they are created by the children. Once this starts happening, they can begin to be shared with other children.

What will this look like?
- Explicit teaching of each of the cybersmart topics we are focusing on.
- Time each week for cybersmart learning and movie making.
- Term  4 - retesting on cybersmart quiz which was undertaken at the start of the year.

Monday, 22 July 2019

Sydney EdTech Summit 2019: Presentations

Kelsey Parrant and I were fortunate enough to be given the opportunity to present at the EdTech Summit in Sydney this year along with our MIT (Manaiakalani Innovative Teacher) colleagues. Kelsey and I presented the following two workshops:

Setting up a Google Site for learning


In this workshop we will focus on how Google Sites can be created to lead learning in a primary school context.

This workshop is targeted at teachers who have a basic understanding of Google Sites. It would be suited for teachers who are wanting ideas as well as support in beginning to create a Google Site for teaching and learning.

Tips and Tricks with Google Sites


In this workshop we will focus on a number of tips and tricks which can be used within google sites to make it more user-friendly and aesthetically pleasing. 

Some tips and tricks that may be covered:
- Using anchor points
- Creating buttons outside of google sites
- Automatically opening a page in a new tab
- Making the logo a home button
- Correctly layering pages within sites
- Embedding vs. Hyperlinks

Tuesday, 9 July 2019

Apps and Tools for Making thinking visible

Today at the Edtech team summit in Sydney, I went to a workshop presented by Kimberly Hall and Lorinda Ferry. Below are some of the visible thinking tools that we explored.

Answer Garden

This could be a great way to do a collaborative brainstorm at the start of a new topic or before a writing task. We could then discuss the vocabulary that came up the most (bigger words) and extend vocabulary knowledge around these words.

Visible Thinking

Kimberly and Lorinda drew our attention to this site which is full of ideas and suggestions for how learning can be made visible. This will be an interesting site to explore as visible thinking comes into the Manaiakalani Kaupapa.


This was an interesting app which actually confused me a bit. There seemed to be quite the hype about it however, I felt that through Learn-Create-Share, we are already achieving a lot of what can be achieved on FlipGrid. I would need to explore this a bit more to see if there is any value in it (over and above what our children can already do using their google drives, webcam on their chromebooks and blogs).


This was a really good take-away from this session. This chrome extension would allow myself as the teacher as well as other children in the class to leave audio comments on collaborative docs, rather than just written comments. Through the extension you can insert an audio file easily into the comments session on google docs, google slides etc.

Pear Deck

This is another great take-away from this session. It is also a chrome extension for google slides and allows you to create really interactive slides which the children can access. The only problem with this extension would be the inability to rewind in its interactive form. I still need to look into it a bit more to see whether this would be possible or not.

Overall, I got a lot out of this session. I left with some great new ideas to try out in the classroom.