Friday 1 December 2023

PAT Maths Data


This Maths data above shows that every one of my target children made progress in Maths this year. It is really challenging to be able to say what exactly has caused this. When looking at last years results for the equivalent standardised test, you can see that all the children still made progress. Perhaps this group of children are just 'on track', irrespective of an intervention...This is definitely something to consider going forward.

This final graph shows all of this data together, to see progress made across 2 years in maths for these students.

Interestingly, from this data you can observe the summer drop off that we see and know well for reading.

Top 3 take aways from this year

 At our final Kāhui Ako meeting for the year, Chris Herlihy, Principal of Glen Taylor School, prompted us to think about what our Top 3 Take-aways would be from our inquiries this year. 

Here are the top 3 takeaways I have come up with based on my inquiry:

1. Students need mileage when it comes to maths, like we do in reading. That is, if we are wanting children to be able to better apply their multiplication knowledge, we need to ensure we are giving them lots of problems in lots of different contexts.

2. Giving students opportunities to grapple with problems individually as well as in groups is really important. Some children benefit from group work with some children and not others. I have not yet found an answer of how to be more effective with organising a class or group of students to best suit ALL students and their learning.

3. Children really benefit from structure and routine. I think ensuring a consistent structure to a maths programme in the classroom could really benefit children and their learning. That is, expectations are clear from day-to-day and the structure of the learning remains similar.

A challenge to consider next would be how to achieve both 2 and 3 in a consistent way.