Thursday 5 August 2021

Collecting information about implementation of my changed practices/intervention

Changed practice/intervention: Providing children with prompts/scaffolds to support speaking and presenting to encourage use of language.

How am I going to record implementation of this?

In a spreadsheet, I will record information every time I use the new tool. 

Here is an example:

Date: 5.08.21
Task: How does a Long Jumper's body move?
Speaking & Presenting Opportunity: Children spent time researching how the body of different athletes' bodies move. They had to think about the skeletal system and muscular system. In response to this, each child was given a unique prompt card which they had to respond to at the end of the session.
Time spent on new intervention: Children were given a unique prompt cards 20 minutes before they were to present to the class whilst they were still participating in the small group research task. 15 minutes of sharing through speaking and presenting.

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