Monday 21 March 2022

Data Collection

As I have mentioned in previous posts, my data collection will be focussed on confidence, communication and oral language. So how will I assess these three elements to create a profile of learners?

PAT Vocabulary Test: This will give me an idea of the children who need support in developing their vocabulary knowledge. 

Observation: I have emailed the team 4 teachers to ask them to observe and recommend children who could benefit from being a videographer, photographer, presenter or editor for the news to support development of confidence, communication or oral language.

Reading Age: The idea is that the children who are presenters for the news should be reading at 10 years or above. This is because the news requires children to read from a script fluently.

Student Voice: Asking the child about their confidence, communication and oral language and about the their speaking and confidence at home.

Whanau input: Gathering data through conversations with parents about their child and their confidence, communiation and oral language at home.

PENN episodes: Comparison of children in term 1 compared to term 4, presenting on the news. How have they improved? This could be measured using a rubric.

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