Thursday 25 July 2019

Term 3: Where I am up to and where I will go next

Kāhui Ako Achievement Challenge 5: Improve the achievement of students with additional needs in the learning areas of English/ key competency using symbols, languages and texts.

My Inquiry Challenge (updated): Children living in a digital world, where interpersonal skills and critical thinking are essential, require ubiquitous access to cybersmart scaffolds and resources which are not currently available.

This term is going to be all about implementing my tool to support cybersmart learning. The website is up and running and ready for movies to be added in as they are created by the children. Once this starts happening, they can begin to be shared with other children.

What will this look like?
- Explicit teaching of each of the cybersmart topics we are focusing on.
- Time each week for cybersmart learning and movie making.
- Term  4 - retesting on cybersmart quiz which was undertaken at the start of the year.

1 comment:

  1. Enjoy seeing your visible thinking Hannah and how it is going to be integrated into your teaching. You obviously got a lot of take aways from the Summit but being the critically discerning person you are will no doubt consider their merits in light of your pedagogy. I am really interested in your 'tool' and how it is unfolding in its development for your challenge. Look forward to seeing our progress at KPMG in a couple of weeks.
